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An example of a standard CRUD resource without a show action
Index markup
- content_for(:title) { "Holiday Deadlines" }
= link_to "New Holiday Deadline", new_holiday_deadline_path, class: "btn mr-0"
- @deadlines.each do |deadline|
= link_to edit_holiday_deadline_path(deadline),
class: "list-group-item u-hover--raised flex-nowrap" do
= deadline.standard_issue.formatted("month")
%small.grey-text.text-darken-2 Standard Issue
= deadline.days_early
= "Day".pluralize(deadline.days_early) + "Early"
= deadline.effective_deadline.formatted("no_year")
%small.grey-text.text-darken-2 Holiday Deadline
%i.material-icons{ aria: { hidden: "true" } } chevron_right
New markup
- content_for(:back) { holiday_deadlines_path }
- content_for(:title) { "New Holiday Deadline" } render "form"
Edit markup
- content_for(:back) { holiday_deadlines_path }
- content_for(:title) { "Edit Holiday Deadline" } render "form"
Form markup
= form_for(@deadline, builder: MaterialForm) do |f|
= :month, month_dropdown_options(@deadline.month), label: "Deadline Month"
= :deadline,
options_for_select(Office::DEADLINE_DAYS.collect { |i| [i, i] }, @deadline.deadline),
label: "Deadline Day"
= f.number_field :days_early, { min: -10, max: 30, step: 1 }
.md-form Holiday Deadline
%input{ data: { target: "date-display" }, readonly: true, type: :text }
- unless @deadline.new_record?
= link_to "Destroy", holiday_deadline_path(@deadline),
method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" },
class: "btn btn-danger" f.submit
Two-Column Form
This form layout is minimally customizable. It's meant for a sidebar of the shown width and a main area (usually contained within a card).
= f.label :logo do
= f.file_field :logo
%h2.two-column-form__sidebar-label= f.object.name_and_number
= card_with_header "Client Info", collapsible: true, opened: client.persisted?, size: "col-12 mb-2", body_classes: "px-3 py-2" do
= f.text_field :name, label: "Company", readonly: read_only
= f.text_field :dba, label: "DBA", hint: "If used, this will be used on both the Sponsor Index and Ad List instead of the Company.", readonly: