
Page Structure

Consistency between N2 applications is essential to creating an engaging user experience.

You can find more information about Page Structure here.


When a client uses one of our apps, the app should feel intuitive and familiar. Having a consistent page structure and predictable components helps to accomplish this.


The Toolbar is always the first component on a page. It is always 64px in height and is the primary source of navigation on an application.

You can find more information about Toolbars here.


Tabs, if needed, are always directly underneath the primary Toolbar. They are also 64px in height and are typically used to navigate content on the current page.

You can find more information about Tabs here.


Buttons and Banners are always directly underneath the Toolbar unless Tabs are present. This space is also 64px in height.

It is important to note that Banners should cover up the primary buttons as they typically require an action to dismiss them.

You can find more information about Banners here.

Page Content

Whether or not Tabs or Buttons/Banners exist, there should always be 48px of additional space between the last header element and the page content.



Example Content

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.