Row Status Indicators
- Each row in a list can include a colored bar which may indicate a specific status or state
- The bar should always be 8px wide and match the height of the row it resides in
- Indicator bars should always be left aligned to the row
- Indicator bars should use the same color styles as the Progress bars in N2 Styles
Indicators using danger/warning/success colors
FailedSep 2018453652Index Promotional Products/ Printed Apparel
SucceededSep 2018453652Index Promotional Products/ Printed Apparel
SucceededSep 2018453652Index Promotional Products/ Printed Apparel
PendingSep 2018453652Index Promotional Products/ Printed Apparel Failed Pending Succeeded
Rails Helper
= list_row_status_indicator(color: "danger", label: "Failed")
= list_row_status_indicator(color: "warning", label: "Pending")
= list_row_status_indicator(color: "success", label: "Succeeded")
Usage Details
To add an indicator bar to a row, add it as a child of the List Group Item. It doesn't matter if the status bar is the first child. Don't forget to add content to the div (the 'label') for accessibility.
%ul.list-group Failed Sep 2018
.d-flex.flex-column.col-2 453652
.d-flex.flex-column.col-8.text-center Index Promotional Products/ Printed Apparel
If a status color is not supplied, the indicator bar defaults to grey.
UnknownSep 2018453652Index Promotional Products/ Printed Apparel
.list-status-border Unknown