- Table Title should be Header3
- Table Header Row text and icons should be vertically centered
- Table headers that perform no action are by default colored grey-base. Table headers that perform an action, like sorting, should be colored grey-darken-4 or you can add the 'action' class on the th.
Name | Address | City | State | Zip | ||
Lulu McCormick | 2591 Rylee Turnpike | Brooklyn | NY | 35273 | edit | |
Elijah Phelps | 3919 Hartmann Vista Suite 501 | Brooklyn | NY | 35273 | edit | |
Michael Jimenez | 699 Jeremy Fork | Brooklyn | NY | 35273 | edit |
1-11 of 300
Responsive Tables
The first option is to copy the same responsive approach that is taken with lists where columns are removed based on width. The other approach is to set a minimum width on the table as shown here which will allow the table to scroll in its container.
.md-table .table
min-width: 690px
new N2Styles.searchBar({safeContainer: '.js-table-search', showSelector: '.show-table-search'}); Address List
= form_tag "/toolbar", class: "d-flex n2-search-bar has-black-text hidden grey lighten-3", method: :get do
%button.d-flex.p-0.btn-flat.with-icon.cursor-pointer{ type: :submit } search
= text_field_tag :search, placeholder: "Search", autofocus: true, required: true
%i.material-icons.hidden.empty-search-input close delete search add{ "data-activates" => "dropdown1", href: "#" }
%i.material-icons more_vert
%li{ href: "#!" } Upload Address List
%li{ href: "#!" } Export Address List
%li{ href: "#!" } Download Sample
%fieldset.form-group{ type: :checkbox }
%label{ for: :checkbox1 }
%th Name
%th Address
%th City
%th State
%th.number_field Zip
%input.filled-in#checkbox2{ type: :checkbox }
%label{ for: :checkbox2 }
%td Lulu McCormick
%td 2591 Rylee Turnpike
%td Brooklyn
%td NY
%td.number_field 35273
%i.material-icons.grey-text.cursor-pointer edit
.page-count 1-11 of 300 chevron_left chevron_right
Condensed Tables
Reduce padding to maximize content when a table has many rows or the screen is small.
.md-table .table.table-sm
Name | Address | City | State | Zip |
Lulu McCormick | 2591 Rylee Turnpike | Brooklyn | NY | 35273 |
Elijah Phelps | 3919 Hartmann Vista Suite 501 | Brooklyn | NY | 35273 |
Michael Jimenez | 699 Jeremy Fork | Brooklyn | NY | 35273 |
React Tables
Props for Table:
columns: Array of column objects
(one for each column) -
dataSource: Array of record objects
(one for each row in the table) -
rowKey: String,
attribute that each record responds to, to be used as the each TableRow's key (defaults to key) -
rowClassName: Function
that takes a record and returns a className (String) to add to a TableRow - Required: Each column definition should include either a) dataIndex (attribute to call on each record) or a b) render function (to be called on the record)
Props for columns:
key: String
title: String
textAlign: String
colSpan: Number
(Out of 12-width grid) -
reverse: Boolean
(Sort is reversed or sort not reversed) -
sortUrl: String
(Link to add to Column Title) -
sorted: Boolean
Required or
required:render: Function
Required or
required:dataIndex: String
import React from 'react';
import { Table } from 'n2-styles';
const fullName = person => `${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}`;
const productNames = person => person.products.join(', ');
function TableWithData({ data }) {
const columns = [{
title: 'People',
key: 'name',
colSpan: 3,
render: record => <a href={`#something${}`}>{record.firstName}</a>,
sorted: true,
reverse: false,
sortUrl: '#name',
title: 'Full Name',
key: 'full-name',
colSpan: 4,
render: person => fullName(person),
sorted: false,
reverse: false,
title: 'Title',
key: 'title',
colSpan: 2,
dataIndex: 'title',
sorted: false,
reverse: false,
sortUrl: '#title',
title: 'Products',
key: 'product',
colSpan: 3,
render: client => productNames(client),
textAlign: 'right',
sorted: false,
reverse: false,
sortUrl: '#products',
return (
rowClassName={person => (person.products.includes('HOA') ? '' : 'font-italic')}
export { TableWithData };