Side Navigation
More documentation can be found MDB's site, here .
Slide Out Side Navigation
%i.material-icons.m-4.grey-text.text-darken-4.sidenav-hamburger{ data: { activates: "slide-out" } } menu
= link_to "/index.html" do
= image_tag "white-logo.png"
%li.separator= link_to "Home", "/index.html"
%li= link_to "Buttons", "/buttons.html"
%li= link_to "Color", "/colors.html"
%li= link_to "Tooltip", "/tooltips.html"
%li= link_to "Progress", "/progress_bar.html"
%li= link_to "Toolbar", "/toolbar.html"
%li= link_to "Form", "/forms.html"
%li= link_to "Cards", "/cards.html"
%li= link_to "Tabs", "/tabs.html"
%li= link_to "Side Navigation", "/side_nav.html"
Persistent Side Navigation
This component is dependent on
surrounding the navigation and main content and a menu
within the toolbar.
It will not function as intended without those requirements.
= persistent_sidenav do
= expandable_nav_item "Navigation Option" do
= subnav_item "Subsection Option", root_path
= subnav_item "Subsection Option", root_path
= subnav_item "Subsection Option", root_path
= nav_item "Navigation Option", root_path
= yield